Guide on Success Part 1

The Early Days:

Click away for the first few weeks. There are a minimum of 4 ads per day. There are bots around to pick up more ads but Neobux is very good at spotting this so I would strongly advise you not to use them. The total time taken should be around 2 minutes and then you can forget about it until the following day. Try to get into a routine because if you wait less than 24 hours, your statistics look weird. The ads reset at the same point every day so you could find yourself thinking you have been given 8. Don’t fall into this trap. Pick a time and stick to it. You also earn 1/2c per click when people join under your referral banner. This is not allowed for the first month, so for now, just keep clicking away.

Many people invest money on day one. They haven't got the patience to wait out. I myself invested $15 to kick start it. If you don't invest, 4c daily will take you 75 days to get to the point of 3 referrals. In my first version of this guide, I advised against investing. But I have changed my stance on this. I now say if you have got money to invest, that is money which if lost tomorrow would not affect your ability to pay the bills, then go ahead. But what I would also say is take it out as soon as you can so that there is no way you can lose money.

As mentioned earlier, when you hit the 4 weeks and 2 days point, you can start emailing the adverts to people. Use the "Banners" section of the site and add it to your email signature etc. It's best not to be too pushy. If you are too pushy, people will be more turned off than turned on. I hate spammers. Every time you hit a milestone, send the update out. This could be every time you rent out 3 referrals, every time your earnings pass a $5 or $10 barrier. If you can afford to invest a little, take a screenshot of your Paypal account when you hit $2 mark but before you cashout. Then cashout. Then take a second screenshot of the Paypal account. This will show Neobux pays out at $2. Immediately pay $5 back in. This will take a little while to take out again but it will prove to people that it pays out and will only cost you $3 of your own cash. Ideally, you should wait until you are earning far more but some people prefer to do it this way. Just remember to have the extra $3 ready because Neobux cashed out at $2 but minimum investment is $5 and you can't transfer this $5 back out again, it has to go into investment and you can only cash out when your clicks have earnt you the money. Personally, I would wait until you are earning $1 per day to do it. That way you can withdraw a more meaningful amount, say $10, do the screenshots, immediately reinvest back in and in 10 days the money is back where it started and you have your proof of payment.

So how is that going to make me any decent money?

Quite simply, it isn’t. But what you are about to read can make you a lot of money if you stick to it. When I first started I had spreadsheets and calculators and all manner of systems going through my head. I have since shrunk this down to a more manageable level. I have done a lot of research and have publicised this and now get a lot of emails and forum questions on numerous financial forums. I give this advice and time for free because I want to help people do what I do. However, sometimes I get it wrong, as I am about to explain.

I was totally obsessive about figures and stats. I advised people to recycle and concentrate on just getting the 500 referrals required. This I now know to be wrong. There is a happy medium to be balanced. So here we go:

Renting Referrals

This is the first major topic. In the past I have said you can afford to get a little bit ahead of yourselves when the money goes up. Don’t do it. Basically, when you get to $3, rather than using it to get 3 referrals and putting them on 3 month extensions, just hold fire. It is far better to rent 3 referrals and then wait. When you first get them, give it 2 days (not the previous mentioned week). Then when all 3 are happily clicking away, then extend them for 90 days. The reason for this is twofold. Keeping a non-clicking referral for a week is a waste of 25% of your rental fee. More than half will be ok, but you may have to recycle 2 of them. In general, after 2 to 3 recycles (6 days), you will have 3 good referrals. At this point you can check your balance. If you have enough, extend them by 90 days. If not, extend 2 of them by 90 days. Extending by 90 days gives you 90 days at 20% discount. This is a huge discount. You can now just do the normal clicking but every rather than having to keep your average clicks at 2 for a profit, you only need 1.6. That is how much difference the 90 day extensions make.

For those who have invested money, I would strongly suggest you stick with the same rules and numbers. Getting used to the system and making errors at this stage is much better than making an error with $100 invested. It is much easier to track too.

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